There are a number of vegetarian friendly dishes in traditional Georgian cuisine. Among the most popular dishes are “Khachapuri” (cheese filled pies or cheese filled breads that vary depending on the region), “lobiani”– bean filled pie baked in the oven- this is a popular fasting dish, “Khinkali”(Georgian dumplings)- these are traditionally made with pork and beef mince and herbs but they can also be made with cheese or mushrooms, “Lobio”– bean stew served in a clay pot, baked mushrooms with Sulguni cheese (traditionally served in a clay pot),” Churchkhela” -Georgian sweet made from grape jelly and nuts, “Jonjoli” -pickled shrub flowers, “Pkhali” a variety of vegetables (peppers, aubergines, beetroot, spinach) with walnut paste, and many more.